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6 6 Rivale Raid System
Feb 9, 2018 5:47:46 GMT
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1 1 dawn king or queen audition
by Finn
Feb 5, 2018 4:03:34 GMT


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2 2 character form
by Finn
Feb 5, 2018 4:10:18 GMT
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5 9 Kel | Nomad | Mare
by Nameria
Feb 21, 2018 16:17:36 GMT


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3 3 Nameria's Treasures [wip]
by Nameria
Feb 20, 2018 15:36:24 GMT
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1 1 breeding form
by Finn
Feb 5, 2018 4:17:10 GMT
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1 1 deceased form
by Finn
Feb 5, 2018 4:18:13 GMT
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the dawnlands

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No New Posts the peak

what by all other ideals is a beautiful land is bathed with an ugly history. the Peak is a gently sloping hill that rises very gradually up some five hundred feet before topping off and slowly sloughing its way back down. covered in rich grasses abundant in nutrients, the Peak has long been a place of contention between the Wasteland Monarchs and the Kings and Queens of Dawn. several small forests cover the sides of the Peak, providing some protection against the winds that often sweep over it. on top of winds, the Peak has a tendency to freeze over quite early and not thaw until far into the late spring months. despite this, however, the Peak is known for being one of the better lands in the area. it is located nearer to the Coast than to the Sand but Wastelanders have been known to try and raid on it for the water and food it has.

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No New Posts the coast ♛

the low pull and rush of the sea waters provide a strange soundtrack for the lands that act as the crownland. the ever-moving and ever-changing sea has shaped this coastline over many centuries to make it what it is today. the generally accepted boundaries for the Coast run almost a mile up and down the sea with the main living part of it going back from the sea nearly a mile to be halted by a towering cliff long crumbled by time. within this cliff can be found several caves that can be used as protection by the horses living here but caution must always be taken. during the times of the full moon, and particularly during super and bloodmoon times, the tide can rise up to quite some level. it is during these times that the horses residing within the crownland often have to leave to the Wetlands or to the Woodlands in order to avoid the waters and the predators that come with them.

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No New Posts the woodlands

quivering aspen trees decorate the Woodlands with a sparseness hardly seen upon other lands. a spacious meadow takes up the majority of the room in the Woodlands, with its soil and earth anchored by the roots of the few trees here. during the spring and summer months, this place is alive with the humming of insects over blooming flowers of all sorts of colours above brilliant emerald grasses. fall sees this place turn the hues of fire with the leaves changing to gold and ember, a startling and lovely display. winter brings with it a monochromatic landscape of greys and white. snowfall here in the Woodlands can be very deep indeed, several feet. during the warm months of the year, the Woodlands are almost always the hottest part of the land, given the little tree cover. fire is a very real danger here, despite the several water sources found throughout.

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No New Posts the wetlands

at any given time, the roar of a bull alligator can be heard screaming throughout the swamps and marshes that make up the area of land known as the Wetlands. alligators as common here and are the main predator to be feared here. the Wetlands are a densely forested area of towering cypress trees and mucky land that often acts as quicksand, sucking down those unfortunate enough to cross that section of it. water fills it deeply during the wet months of the year but a muggy sort of heat and humidity denies often the freeze of winter, save for the worst ones. there are points of the Wetlands that have grasses suitable for eating but given the close proximity of it to the Coast, saltwater from the sea often spills into it, tainting both water and food.

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No New Posts the moor

far to the west, so far north that there are some who would consider it part of the Wasteland, lies the Moor. a sweeping and vast tract of cold open plain, the Moor bears little in the way of life. for the northern location of it, the Moor runs cold for the majority of the year and tends to get very little in the way of rainfall. here and there are small ponds and creeks but in the dry months they run low and sometimes even dry up completely. purpled grasses wave gently to and fro across the Moor but parts of it are sandy where time and tide have washed away the grass and soil of it. the Moor has its fair share of nasty weather; prone to high winds almost all of the year with blizzards during the winter. the Moor is one of the least inhabited lands.

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the strip

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No New Posts the steppe

to the immediate south of the Wastelands lies the first of three lands that make up the Strip, a series of lands wherein nomads live and horses from the Dawnlands and the Wastelands come now and then to meet. the Steppe is a large and slightly raised plain made up of grasses and some low-lying trees and shrubbery that make for fair eating during the spring and summer months. however, the Steppe is prone to queer weather indeed; winter sees blizzards and snow, spring and fall see violent thunderstorms, and the summer months tend to threaten a true terror: fire. despite this, the Steppe is considered one of the safest of the realms and tends to be where nomads can most often be located.

1 1 The High Road [Taranis]
by adamantine
Feb 25, 2018 18:55:19 GMT
No New Posts the lake

near upon the center of the Steppe but cast further to the southernmost end of it can be found the Lake. a medium sized body of freshwater, the Lake is known for waters that glimmer crystal clear throughout it. this has the tendency to be deceptive, however; for the clarity of the water, the depth of it cannot truly be known. be not fooled by it: what may look to only be a few feet down could perhaps be hundreds. indeed, bones littered it from those unfortunate who thought perhaps to swim down its crystalline depths. the edge of the water often has numerous horses and other animals at it, as the Lake is the main source of water for the majority of the nomads and those who reside in the Wastelands.

2 3 ENCOUNTERS [Ranjit]
Feb 14, 2018 20:34:43 GMT
No New Posts the sand

where the Lake ends begins the Sand. the reasoning behind the name is immediately obvious; a single line of sand, a mile wide at the thickest, and wide enough that it runs nigh from the Eastern Sea to the Western, effectively cutting the land in half. no one knows how the Sand came to be, though rumors abound over it. though generally flat, here are portions of the Sand that rise up to towering dunes. here and there, the bleached bones of some long-dead animal can be seen jutting up from the particulates. the Sand itself is a broad mixture of pigments; some are darker, some are lighter, and they mesh together in a beautiful array of hues. as to be expected, the Sand is cold at night and blisters during the day and little in the way of shelter can be found here. horses have been known to walk miles to the east or west to find a short distance over the Sand.

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the wastelands

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No New Posts the reach

the sprawl of the Reach commands impressive attention despite it being less than a third the size of the Desolation. huge conifers and cold firs dominate the landscape of it to the point of making walking a task most difficult indeed. to add to the arduous landscape, a certain chills hangs over it, as the chill that hangs over the rest of the Wastelands. sluggish mists crawl along through the cool landscape, casting a monochomatic pall over it. the trees reach for the milky heavens above, spreading out their limbs to form a thick canopy that clutch like tangling thorns. no one knows precisely why the trees have the tinge of grey upon them; from root to canopy, the hue of ash clings to each piece of bark and leaf. in the fell dark of night, the cries of birds mingle with a haunting groan, believed to be the dying noises of horses slain in past conflicts.

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No New Posts the desolation ♛

the Desolation lives up to the name given to it centuries ago. a massive plain, it dominates the Wasteland; the only land bigger than it is the Taiga further north of it. due to the location, frozen winds sweep down over it most months of the year, preventing the growing of trees beyond just a few feet high. rocks scatter here and there, likely left over by glaciers long ago. the land itself is nigh on infertile, with only the hardest of plants managing to grow here. patches here and there blossom in the spring and part of the summer with vibrant green grass and flowers but those and few and far in between. during the summer, thunderstorms bring cold rain to flood the lower lying sections. in winter, blizzards threaten to kill any living creature around. despite that, however, the Desolation remains the most habitable of the lands here in this hard world.

1 2 I Believe in the Kingdom Come :: Wraith & Ranjit (Closed)
Feb 14, 2018 18:16:16 GMT
No New Posts the taiga

a constant sort of silence seems to hang over the Taiga. snow blankets it heavily for the majority of the year, even during the warmest months in the summer. the northern most land is also the largest, even larger than the great Desolation, with a sprawling forest of low-growing trees with little in the way of leaves upon them. indeed, equines who live here need to dig deep in order to find flora in the way of substanence. a cold and feral land, few of the Wastelanders prefer to venture here; a variety of cruel predators, including tigers and massive bears, haunt this region. on top of that, the temperatures are known to drop down to well below freezing and some who lie down to bed at night never awaken during the morning. only the hardest of the Wasteland equines live here.

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No New Posts the hollow

the western border of the Wastelands slopes downward into a vast and intricate series of steep canyons. their vertical, jagged walls are broken by paths narrow and treacherous to traverse. sparse vegetation grows here and what grows is often thorn-ridden to the point of inedibility; the sun blazes overhead with nary a cloud to offer shade throughout the summer. winters are made temperate for the sake of the terrible, fell heat radiating from the Fissure. spring brings tremendous storms, deadly as the heat of summer. crackling bursts of lightning often set the deadened expanse ablaze, only for the fire to die beneath torrential downpours to follow. the canyons flood heavily and any creature caught within is sure to be drowned. few predators manage to dwell here successfully, save for the great, lean cats that prowl down from the Reach and the Taiga.

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the abyss

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No New Posts the fissure

towards the western border of the Wastelands, a massive fissure long ago had opened in the earth. at the bottom of it is a surprisingly wide span of relatively flat land. some sixty feet wide at the widest point of it and close to a mile long, it serves as a protective barricade from winds but tends to flood. the gorge, called by the equines the Fissure, emits a strange smell like burning flesh, something that serves to keep most predators away from it for the instinctive terror of fire. a solitary path serves as the way in or out of it and so thin is it that only one equine can go up or down it at a time. in addition to that, parts of the path have crumbled away over centuries of hooves crossing over them and equines needs must leap over gaps to get up or down it. along the path lie the bodies of horses and other animals that have died over the years in this hellish place.

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No New Posts the void

past the Fissure of the abyss lies the Void. scarce explored, little is known about this terrifying expanse. the landscape is a desolate terrain, cracked obsidian stone covering it from infinity onward. massive stone monoliths jut upwards, breathed out and cooled by lava that spits harshly from the soil. here and there are massive crevasses, sometimes hundreds of feet deep, whose abysmal maws glow with hellfire and promise death if one manages to slip into it. pools of lava glow here and there, the only flash of light and color in an otherwise monochrome hellscape. there are rumors of monstrous beings lurking here, terrible beasts who prowl the lands looking for those that have ventured too far into the void. precisely how inhabited this realm is, no one knows. no horse in living memory has entered the Void and returned alive.

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2 4 ran's testing thread
Feb 14, 2018 19:37:24 GMT
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3 3 player store rules
Feb 6, 2018 20:44:10 GMT
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21 21 Don't Think Twice | New PMD Rp [PB |FL]
by Chikorita
Mar 22, 2020 4:02:11 GMT
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